Storytelling in more than one sense.

One of my favorite feelings in the world is creating the perfect illustration for a narrative or a concept. The intersection of illustration and design is where I have decided to settle down and set up shop.


Food Illustrations

Four main flavor profiles: bitter, sweet, savory, sour

Portland dining week illustrations for American, Pan-Asian, French, Middle Eastern, and Central American cuisine.

Editorial Illustrations

Article speculating the outcomes of a local election.

Article about a city renting a space owned by an anti-LGBT church to host their library during a remodel.

Article about the annual Opera Scholarship Competition

Interview with Satanic Temple representative speaking about how Satanism supports gay rights and feminism.

Interview with Satanic Temple representative speaking about how Satanism supports gay rights and feminism.

Article discussing how trolls, or intentionally inflammatory people, make money off of peoples’ anger.

Article about the last-ditch efforts by PSU to avoid re-building Science Building One.

Article about the last-ditch efforts by PSU to avoid re-building Science Building One.

Article discussing how Donald Trump’s policies and values are compounding to increase racial violence in America.

Article exposing Chick-fil-a for moving money into pushing violent anti-gay legislation in Uganda.

Article criticizing those who do charity work to exploit underprivileged communities for social media attention.

Article criticizing those who do charity work to exploit underprivileged communities for social media attention.


Guilde to accessing greenspaces with public transit.

Guilde to accessing greenspaces with public transit.

Democrats calling themselves PUMA(People United Means Action) who prefer more “traditional” politics and favor right-wing policies over far-left.

Rabbits Series

Ten Illustrations of one thing, ten different styles.

Miscellaneous Freelance

Eelly Cute Tattoo Designs





Silver Sprocket Rebrand